Join Kelley Drye’s May 10th Webinar Discussing Implications of FCC’s Recent Pole Attachment Order

Access to and rates for pole attachments under Section 224 of the Communications Act have been issues of both importance and contention for facilities-based broadband providers of all types, more traditional providers of telecommunications, and electric utilities. On April 7, 2011, the Federal Communications Commission issued the most significant order regarding pole attachments in many years affecting a wide variety of matters.

The Commission’s intent was to clarify many rights and obligations regarding the relationship between pole owners and attachers and to put various providers of broadband communications on a more equal footing. The recent order creates new regulatory frameworks for pole owners and attachers to navigate, including the potential for a new wave of complaint and enforcement proceedings.

Join Kelley Drye on May 10 from 12 noon – 1:00pm EST for a webinar to discuss the new FCC order, Practical Impacts of the FCC’s Pole Attachment Rules.” Our speakers will offer an analysis of the new rules focusing on practical advice based on extensive experience in negotiating pole agreements, prosecuting complaints regarding pole access and rates, and providing compliance and enforcement advice in this area. Topics of discussion will include:

  • Successful Navigation of the FCC’s New Pole Attachment Application Timelines
  • When Attachers May Use Independent Contractors to Complete Survey and Make Ready Work
  • New Rules Governing Penalties for Unauthorized Attachments
  • How Much Parity Is There under the New Attachment Rate Formula for Telecommunications Carriers?
  • Improved Opportunities for Wireless Providers
  • How Much Have Things Changed for Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers?
  • Limits of the New Rules and the Impact on Enforcement
  • Prospects for Appeal of the Pole Attachment Order

Kelley Drye Speakers:

Chip Yorkgitis

Partner, Telecommunications

Randall W. Sifers
Senior Associate, Telecommunications

Please visit our website for more information. This webinar is free of charge, but space is limited. To reserve your place today, please e-mail telecomm@​kelleydrye.​com or contact Alexandra Meaza at 202.945.6674.